Other Respiratory Conditions

Other respiratory conditions associated to industrial work and often linked to asbestos exposure

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has identified a range of respiratory diseases caused by exposure to asbestos dust in the workplace and further identified other work-related respiratory diseases which account for an estimated 14,000 new reported cases each year.  Aside to the number of new cases being reported, of further concern is the deterioration in earlier reported instances all of which represent harm, upset and anguish to everyday families.

If you, a family member or friend have been affected by a lung complaint brought about through earlier working conditions it is possible you will be eligible to recover compensation and your experienced helpline team are waiting to hear from you.

Work related respiratory diseases are often serious.  Around 12,000 deaths each year are attributed to occupational respiratory diseases from which two-thirds is thought to involve asbestos-related diseases or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

It is important to note that a large number of respiratory conditions can be associated to working environments which might include exposure to;

  • Hazardous chemicals
  • Dust from silica, talc, coal, metal dust, stone, cement, brick or concrete
  • Dusts from flour, grain/cereal, animal feeds or straw
  • Airborne materials from spray painting or manufacturing foam products
  • General work environments including hot/cold/damp/wet/dry conditions
  • Bird protein from pigeons, chickens or exotic birds

Conditions and ‘terminology’ often associated to one or more of the above might include:

Interstitial Lung Disease

Pulmonary Fibrosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Occupational Asthma

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)



Pleural Fibrosis and Calcification

Symptoms common to many of the above conditions include:

  • Shortness of breath, particularly upon exertion
  • Chronic dry, hacking cough
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Chest discomfort including chest pain
  • Loss of appetite and rapid weight loss

It is of course important at any stage in your dealings with your GP, Consultant or other clinician to discuss your work history, and in particular that part of your work which took you into less favourable and often contaminated workplaces, as described above.

In most instances your GP will rely upon you to provide information which can only help to provide a clearer diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.  There may be instances where a specific diagnosis cannot be made despite detailed explanation of your work and workplace and you might need to be patient whilst your medical team seek to further investigate your symptoms.

If you have been diagnosed with one of the above conditions or you are undergoing medical investigations and mention has been made that your condition could be work related, or you recall one or more of the above terms being used, please call us today on FREEPHONE 0808 164 7740 or speak to us via our LIVE CHAT.

If you prefer, you can forward a copy of any correspondence to us, (including medical report, letter, scan or x-ray report etc.) in a plain envelope addressed to ‘FREEPOST SCOTTISH ASBESTOS HELPLINE’ – please remember no stamp is required.  Alternatively you might wish to email us at info@scottishasbestos.co.uk.

Your solicitors can deal with your enquiry even if you were employed or exposed to asbestos in England, Ireland or Wales

Call us today for free on:

0808 164 7740

(mobile network rates may vary)